Discord Servers
Discord Bot Server
$9.99 /month
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  • CPU
    1 x 2.4 GHz CPU
  • RAM
    2 GB
  • DISK
    20GB Storage
  • Bandwidth
    1800 GB
Discord Servers
Discord Bot Server
$19.99 /month
Buy Now
  • CPU
    2x 2.4Ghz CPU
  • RAM
    8 GB
  • DISK
    80GB Storage
  • Bandwidth
    7800 GB
Discord Servers
Discord Bot Server
$29.99 /month
Buy Now
  • CPU
    4x 2.4Ghz CPU
  • RAM
    16 GB
  • DISK
    160GB Storage
  • Bandwidth
    15900 GB
Discord Servers

Why Choose Our Discord Bot Servers?

Our Discord servers provide speed, reliability, security, and many other features!.

Data Security
Data Security

Webhost.sh cares about the safety of your data, which is why we we have the best security measures to secure our services.

Fast Activation
Fast Activation

With our services you will never have to wait for a server again, all provisions are done in less than 24 hours.

Custom User Panel
Custom User Panel

Webhost delivers custom user panel which makes it easy for everyone. Manage your discord server with ease.

DDoS Protection

Keep your data safe

With one easy click, keep your discords server data secured, and ready to backup.

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High Performance Hardware

Our Discord Servers are run on fast and reliable computers with the highest specs in top-notch secured data centers. We always make sure our users are running on top notch hardware to ensure you reliable and fast services to our users.

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High Performance Hardware

24/7/365 Monitoring & Support

24/7/365 Monitoring & Support

We provide exceptional customer service and support to our users, We are available to help 24 hours a day and 365 days of the year.

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